marten walk

Currently I am studying economics at the Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg and I am a member of the Network for Plural Economics. On this website I collect various projects and ideas, mostly in a technical / political / economic context.

Due to the orthodox teaching at the MLU, I have recently become very interested in heterodox economics, especially in the area of the concept of money, central banks and financial markets.

I am also very interested in all sorts of technical things, especially when they allow you to classify political events. For example, I once programmed a website that compares and analyzes all Twitter accounts of members of the German Bundestag, see the Projects tab for more information.

Blog Roll

Adam Tooze: Chartbook
Branko Milanovic: Global Inequality
Dezernat Zukunft: Geldbrief
Financial Times: Alphaville

What’s a Blogroll?